Saturday, March 20, 2010

Digital photography and fish.

I received a new digital camera for Christmas this year.  My old Sony point and shoot had seen one too many beach trips and fishing adventures.  It's lens housing and cover shutter were sticking and it's less than rugged constriction was having a hard time coping with my hobbies.  I decided that my next digital point and shoot would be rugged and water resistant.  After doing a little research I decided on the Canon Sureshot D10.  It is a little more bulky than your average point and shoot but it's ruggedness was what I needed for my fishing trips.  It's shock resistant, water resistant to 33 meters, and dust resistant.  It takes fairly good pictures and also does the movie thing.  My trip to Wilson Creek was the first chance I would have to put it through it's paces.

Here are some fun action shots I took with it:

VIDEO:Brook Trout in the Stream

The catch and the release............

VIDEO:Rainbow Release

I can't wait to try some more action shots in April!


  1. They came out a whole lot better than I thought they might. It was surprisingly easy to take them with the exception of frozen hands after ward. I hope to get better stuff when I go on my trout bum trip week after next.
